General information
The controller of the personal data is Spółka Starway Sp. z o.o Sp. k. [Ltd.] (hereinafter referred to as Starway) located in Warsaw, Ogrodowa Street 58, 00-876 Warsaw, National Business Registry Number: 146673119, NCR: 0000460420, (XIIth Commercial Division NCR).
If you do not agree to our terms and conditions, please do not use the website, do not sign up for the newsletters provided by STARWAY Sp. z o.o Sp. k. [Ltd.] and do not buy any products or services provided by Starway Sp. z o.o [Ltd.].
STARWAY reserves the right to make modifications to the Privacy Policy, except as stated in section ‘’Changes in Privacy Policy’’.
All provisions of this Privacy Policy are applied to both clients without an active account as well as potential clients, including users of the contact form.
Personal Data
Starway is processing clients’ personal data in order to form an agreement for products and services provided by Starway. The personal data is also used for direct marketing purposes for products and services provided by Starway as well as services and products provided by Starway’s commercial affiliates, if the client agrees to this kind of marketing.
STARWAY requires only the personal data which is necessary for the proper functioning of the website and providing its services. Failure to provide certain Personal Data will make it impossible for Starway to provide its services.
Authorisation to process personal data by STARWAY is based on clients’ consent and statutory authorization for processing of personal data in order to:
Allow the clients to use the website
Process orders for products and services provided by Starway
Respond to questions and concerns sent via contact form
Provide subscription to free of charge electronically delivered newsletters (courses)
Realize direct marketing for products and services provided by Starway as well as products and services provided by Starway’s commercial affiliates, if the client agrees to this kind of marketing.
Providing the personal data by creating an account, buying products or services provided by Starway, subscribing to the newsletter, using the contact form or choosing an appropriate checkbox, the client declares an acceptance of this Privacy Policy agreement. Thereby, the client agrees to have his personal data processed for the purposes of finalization and execution of the contract by Starway.
Providing Starway with the personal data by filling in forms which are present on the website or ticking an appropriate checkbox, client agrees to have his personal data processed for direct marketing purposes for products and services provided by Starway and products and services provided by Starway’s commercial affiliates.
Providing Starway with any personal data is voluntary. Providing required data in the process of account creation/using contact form/subscribing to the newsletter/placing an order for products or services is necessary for the services to be processed by Starway properly. Client has the right to check his personal data and to correct it at any given time.
Client has the right to submit a justified written request to cease the processing of his personal data in case of the data being processed for purposes mentioned in Art. 23 section 1, items 4 & 5 of Personal Data Protection Act, including marketing purposes.
Starway will only process the data necessary for the proper provision of services and to exercise the rights arising under applicable laws and regulations, including statistical purposes, examination of complaints, issuing a VAT invoice or pursuing claims.
If the client agrees to receive commercial & marketing messages by electronic means, client’s personal data can be processed in order to send the client those messages.
Among the types of Personal Data that Starway collects, there are: name, last name, e-mail address, mobile phone numer, address of residence.
Aside from the data provided by clients in the process of: browsing the website, account registration, buying products and services provided by Starway, using the contact form or subscribing to the newsletter, the website uses certain data collection and storing mechanisms:
Cookies – data used to identify user’s session in the internet browser and on the servers of website (more specifics provided in Cookies Policy)
Server logs – data such as: Internet Protocol ("IP") address, web request location, browser type, browser language, date of the web request, information on errors occured in the process of realisation of the HTTP transaction, referring pages.
In case of client misusing (either by not adhering to the rules of procedure or by breaking law) the website, Starway can process client’s personal data in order to establish client’s liability.
Browsing the website’s content and its domains/subdomains
Browsing the website without:
placing any orders for products or services
registering an account
using contact form,
does not require providing any personal data.
Using contact form
Using contact form available at requires providing personal data, including: name, last name, e-mail address and phone numer.
Free of charge newsletter subscription (courses)
Subscribing to electronical newsletters (courses) provided by Starway Sp. z o.o Sp. k. [Ltd.] and available at requires providing your name and e-mail address. Providing this data is mandatory.
This data is added to the mailing list of the newsletter (course). E-mail address is necessary for Starway to send the newsletter (course) to the user. Providing your name allows Starway to call you by your name.
Data provided by the user in the process of subscribing will not be used for any other purposes than those mentioned in point 2, except as stated in points 24-27.
Placing orders for products and services
Placing orders for products and services offered by STARWAY via website is possible after creating an account or by using an order form available on the website. Either way, it is mandatory to provide client’s personal data, including: name, last name, e-mail address, phone number, address of residence.
Data provided by the user will only be used for order processing, except as stated in points 24-27.
Processing of personal data for the purposes of direct marketing for products and services provided by Starway (does not apply to clients who did not consent for their personal data to be processed for direct marketing purposes for products and services provided by Starway and its commercial affiliates)
STARWAY reserves the right to send unscheduled messages to the clients who gave their consent for their personal data to be processed for direct marketing purposes for products and services provided by Starway.
Unscheduled messages are messages containing information directly related to website, magazines, services and products (e.g. changes, internal sales promotions), non-commercial messages (e.g. wishes, personal comments etc.) and commercial messages, which are sent on behalf of clients and partners of STARWAY and
Parties instructing commercial mailings have no insight into the contact data stored in mailing lists created by
Commercial messages are always filtered, their length is limited and they are sent occasionally.
Publicly available personal data
Personal data published on websites belonging to STARWAY Sp. z o.o [Ltd.] by commenting articles or writing posts on the forums etc., is publicly available and visible for every user visitng the aforementioned websites.
STARWAY Sp. z o.o Sp. k. [Ltd.] has no means to protect users from private parties or companies who can use the data to send unspecified information. Therefore, this data is not applicable to Privacy Policy.
Other forms
Guest forms present on the websites belonging to STARWAY Sp. z o.o Sp. k. [Ltd.] which refer to services, products, websites or magazines not provided by STARWAY Sp. z o.o Sp. k. [Ltd.] are not applicable to Privacy Policy.
Privacy Policy is not applicable to websites and companies whose contact data is mentioned on websites or newsletters belonging to STARWAY Sp. z o.o Sp. k. [Ltd.].
Disclosure of information for 3rd parties
Starway will not sell any personal data of its clients to other parties.
Delivering services for clients may result in personal data being processed by other parties, which are bound by certain agreements with STARWAY Sp. z o.o Sp. k. [Ltd.]. It will not have any negative effect on security of clients’ personal data.
Clients’ personal data can be disclosed to parties authorized by law, including judicial authorites.
Changes in Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy can be modified. Any modifications will be published on Any modifications to this Privacy Policy will be effective upon our posting of the new terms. In all cases, your continued use of the services or websites provided by STARWAY Sp. z o.o Sp. k. [Ltd.] after the posting of any modified Privacy Policy indicates your acceptance of the terms of the modified Privacy Policy.
Modifications to this Privacy Policy have no effect and will have no effect on the basic rule: Starway is not selling any personal data to third parties, including clients’ addresses or data provided by users of Starway’s websites and newsletters.